"...In this light—that is, in light of what was actually known at the time about Saddam Hussein’s actions and intentions, and in light of what was added to our knowledge through his post-capture interrogations by the FBI—the decision to go to war takes on a very different character. The story that emerges is of a choice not only carefully weighed and deliberately arrived at but, in the circumstances, the one moral choice that any American President could make.
Had, moreover, Bush failed to act when he did, the consequences could have been truly disastrous. The next American President would surely have faced the need, in decidedly less favorable circumstances, to pick up the challenge Bush had neglected. And since Bush’s unwillingness to do the necessary thing might rightly have cost him his second term, that next President would probably have been one of the many Democrats who, until March 2003, actually saw the same threat George Bush did.
[Editor's Note: This is a reminder for you goofy types who have surrendered all semblance of clear thinking and impartiality to those who are successfully manipulating your "Bush Derangement Syndrome" to get your votes. Do you really think the U.S. Government (Republican/Democrat) is going to surrender our hard earned influence in this critical region by pulling out of the Middle East? Pelosi and the Democrat majority promised you we would be out of Iraq at the midterm elections. They huffed and puffed and ran their dog and pony show and manipulated Cindy Sheehan, and what happened. Right. Nothing. You were used. Because the U.S. Government does whatever the they think is best for the security of the nation, not wanting to be the ones in control when the first nuclear weapon is smuggled in and levels an American city.]
"Barack Hussein Obama’s Contribution to the Clash of Ideologies." - A Series
"...The question for America, and the rest of the world, is whether this is all empty rhetoric - or whether something real is happening. But before giving Barack Hussein Obama the keys to the White House, Americans might like to know a little more about the content of his dream.
There is not a scintilla of anything to be mistaken for modesty in Barack Obama’s pitch for the White House. Stripped of rhetorical ornament, it says vote for me because I am me. Mr. Obama exults in the uniqueness of his personal story. To vote for him is to imagine a changed America. That explains why he defines the nature of the contest.
An America that chose as its commander-in-chief a 46-year-old African-American with Hussein as his middle name would be a different place. There lies his political strength; and his weakness.
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